A new crochet cushion ready for my Etsy shop. This time I didn’t choose a white base, but a black one..the darker side of me! What do you think?
See you tomorrow with “Flickr says it’s Friday”!
Un nuovo cuscino all’uncinetto pronto per il mio negozio Etsy. Questa volta non ho scelto una base bianca, ma una nera..il mio lato oscuro! Cosa ne dite?
Ci vediamo domani con “Flickr says it’s Friday”!

Ilaria Chiaratti 2011
Risultato eccellente!Bellissimo!
che bella composizione di cuscini! Mi piace il motivo con il nero!
O so beautiful. I like the pictures of all the pillows together
All of them are so cute!
I think it's lovely and particularly love the contrast it creates with all the other white based cushions.
Sending many hugs to you,
Have a wonderful Easter!
I just find your blog and want to write you to say it is amazing. I´m in love with your home, your work, and your style. Everything!
I´m wishing to visit your etsy shop and I´m sure lots of things are going to my wish list
Kisses from Spain!
Thank you so much for all these lovely comments: I'm so happy that you liked my new project!
Many hugs to all of you!
@ Iole: welcome here!
I´m writing you from the south of Argentina. Your blog is lovely and you are very creative, thanks for sharing!
Thank you dear Mariana!! I'm happy that you're here, welcome!
ThIs looks excellent!! I think I'm the slowest crocheter in the world! Ive been warning to make one of these cushions forever! I have lots of squares but they're too similar for my liking! And they're a basic granny.
Really makes the colours pop out!