One of the resolutions for 2016 is “be more healthy in what I eat”. I’m not a junk food addicted and I rarely drink sugary drinks, but I LOVE to eat, it has to be my italian roots. And sometimes I exceed on the portions. I’m following a power yoga class {like I did in the past five years} and now I also started running twice per week. I’m also following a diet {the same one that last time -before Enea- helped me lose 5 kilos}, that allows me to eat regularly every kind of {good} conclusion, I’m not starving! I’m doing it because I want to take care of myself and to be more healthy for my family and be a good example for Enea.
I can already see the first results and I feel more strong and energetic. I’d love to hear your stories if you’re doing the same!
{You can find the brass salad servers from Ferm Living here}
Una della risoluzioni per il 2016 è “essere più sana in quello che mangio”. Diffido dal cibo spazzatura e raramente bevo bevande zuccherate, ma da vera italiana ADORO mangiare. E a volte esagero con le porzioni. Sto seguendo un corso di power yoga {come ho fatto negli ultimi cinque anni} e ora ho anche iniziato a correre due volte alla settimana. Sto anche seguendo una dieta {la stessa che l’ultima volta -prima Enea- mi ha aiutato a perdere 5 chili}, che mi permette di mangiare regolarmente ogni tipo di {buon} cibo..insomma, non sto morendo di fame! Lo faccio perché voglio prendermi cura di me ed essere più sana per la mia famiglia ed essere un buon esempio per Enea.
Posso già vedere i primi risultati e mi sento più forte ed energica. Mi piacerebbe sentire le vostre storie se anche voi state facendo la stessa cosa!
{Le posate in ottone di Ferm Living le trovate qui}
(this post was sponsored by Ferm Living for Nordic Love, thank you for supporting the sponsors who allow me to create beautiful and unique contents for you)
Im 30 weeks pregnant, but already feeling the pressure to get straight back into shape after birth. Have carried on with yoga throughout pregnancy but this hasn't stopped me putting weight on. . . or going for the sugary/chocolately treats! What power yoga program do you follow?
I'm following a course with a teacher at the local gym and I did it also when I was pregnant to keep me flexible, put some weight is natural and absolutely needed 😉
I started again after 3 months from delivery, but slowly because the muscles need to recover {I had a natural birth}. Now, after one year, I'm doing the same stuff I did before.