Happy new week dear blog friends!
Last weekend while I was trying to clean the house I had two thoughts {and I bet I’m not the only one}:
1. cleaning tools are pretty much ugly;
2. I don’t have time to clean properly as I wish.
Keeping in mind these two things, I decided to search for nice tools that are useful yet nice to see. This little research might be helpful to start a cleaning routine, as I don’t have one. I clean when I think is needed and I prefer to take a walk in the park with my son instead of stay inside and clean.
I’m not a cleaning freak, but of course is always rewarding living in a tidy and fresh home.
I’d like to hear your opinion and if you have any suggestion, please share!
Buona nuova settimana cari amici del blog!
Lo scorso fine settimana mentre stavo cercando di pulire casa, ho realizzato due cose {e scommetto che non sono l’unica}:
1. gli attrezzi per la pulizia sono piuttosto bruttarelli;
2. non ho assolutamente tempo di pulire bene come vorrei.
Tenendo a mente queste due cose, ho deciso di cercare qualche strumento utile ma anche bello da vedere. Questa piccola ricerca potrebbe essere utile per avviare una routine di pulizia, visto che non ne ho una. Pulisco quando penso che sia necessario e preferisco fare una passeggiata al parco con mio figlio invece di rimanere in casa a pulire.
Non sono certo una fanatica dell’ordine, ma naturalmente è sempre gratificante vivere in una casa sistemata e fresca.
Mi piacerebbe sentire il vostro parere e se avete qualche suggerimento, condividetelo!
mrsrobinson dice
My only suggestion… that you must use stylish cleaning things to make the job a happy one! Somehow I often find myself listening to Dolly Parton too, though I don't think that is obligatory… I used to have a routine of sorts – certain things on certain days – but that went by the by once P was born. And even though he has now been at school for a few years, cleaning is still done as needed!
Sasha Kretova dice
These cleaning tools look pretty indeed! I've recently gotten into a habit of cleaning a little every morning. I have lots of energy in the morning, but not so much time, so just 15-20 minutes of cleaning a little here and there helps me keep my home tidy all the time. The part I love the most is that I don't have to do those 3 hour cleaning sessions every weekend anymore.