The #crochetmoodblanket2014 that I started at the beginning of the new year is growing, three pieces per’s so nice to see my mood through a crochet work.
This month, together with the update, I decided to make a gift for who asked me about the pattern I’m using. It’s a simple circle {three rounds}, with a final hexagon edge. I did it myself without following any pattern, it’s pretty simple and easy to make, since the stitches are only two: chain and treble crochet {double crochet for US version}.
See you next month for a new update!

Il pattern esagonale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grazieeeeeeeee
Thank you!!!!! I will use it. I have bought the wool from you and I have not startet yet, I have being looking for a pattern, now I have it, NO more excuses, I will start inmediatly.
Xxxxxx Ale
Da provare !!!!!!