After my adventure at the Woonbeurs {next week I’ll post all the pictures}, today I’m very happy to share with you one of my latest projects, that I’ve designed for the new issue of Mollie Makes.
Crocheted autumn leaves, to give new life to an old blanket with a few well-placed pieces.
What do you think, isn’t it warm and cosy?
{If you can’t buy the magazine, you can download the ipad version here}
Dopo la mia avventura di ieri al Woonbeurs {la prossima settimana vi posterò tutte le foto}, oggi sono molto felice di condividere con voi uno dei miei ultimi progetti che ho realizzato per il nuovo numero di Mollie Makes.
Foglie autunnali create all’uncinetto, per dare nuova vita ad una vecchia coperta.
Cosa ne dite, non sembra proprio calduccia e accogliente?
{Se non potete comprare la rivista, è possibile scaricare la versione ipad qui}

That's so exciting! I'm going to download it this weekend!
Hope to receive it soon!
oh yes reading it now, very nice. Well done! a nice autumn throw. Good weekend, Heather
Ma non avevo dubbi in merito…
Yes it is my wonderful, talented crocheter!
Saw your little house at the Woonbeurs, looking forward to more pictures!
Your stuff looked great 🙂 xxxx
Ooooo gefeliciteerd!!Mooie foto…vrolijke kleurtjes. Ik ga m gauw kopen, niet dat ik oude dekens heb liggen hoor, maar blaadjes kunnen overal op en Molly Makes is een van mijn favoriete bladen.
Helaas kon ik dit jaar niet naar de woonbeurs, ik woon nog wel in Amsterdam!
It was so nice meeting you yesterday 😉
Una coperta autunnale è l'ideale per accoccolarsi davanti al camino!
E… Molly Makes… sarebbe bello trovarlo anche in Italia…
Hi fellow Byw student! Your work looks gorgeous and I so wish I could have come to woonbeurs this year. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your lovely blog Ilaria! 🙂 Caroline
Thanks, I can't wait to see it printed!
Me too!!! 😉
Thank you so much Heather, happy that you liked it!
Troooppo buona Serena cara!
un bacione
Lovely Iro, you're always too kind!
Lots of kisses
Hartelijk dank Maria! Het is jammer, misschien volgend jaar!
For me too! I'm happy that you met my husband, has been a funny evening!
Sarebbe bello..entrambe le cose: accoccolarsi davanti al camino e avere MM!!
un abbraccio
Hi Caroline, thank you so much, you're so kind! Well, maybe we'll meet one day, who knows?