As I promised yesterday, here other pictures from the Woonbeurs 2011.
Come promesso ieri, ecco altre immagini dal Woonbeurs 2011.

Ilaria Chiaratti 2011
in Amsterdam, interior design, interior styling, woonbeurs on
Ilaria Chiaratti is the creative director and the Eindhoven-based founder and editor of IDA interior lifestyle, a blog about interior design and lifestyle.
Nordic style with an italian twist!
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stupende anche queste! Comincio ad amare i centrini per terra 🙂 Ma ti confido che sei l'unica che riesce a farmeli apprezzare anche sui mobili 😉
Bello il lampadario a centrini!
Bellissimo il seggiolone come prolungamento del tavolo, è geniale! Ma è tutto stupendo, l'anno prossimo voglio andarci anch'io! 🙂
great pictures. yesterday we were driving to Amsterdam and decided not to go to the woonbeurs because of the very fine weather. so we went for a while to van dijk & ko and neef louis and then with the boat to the center. great fun and lots of inspiration aswell. but thanks for the impression from your point of view, so i can see what we have missed 🙂
(my work was featured in a new italian diy magazine 'casa creativa', maybe you know it?
ciao for now. x ingrid
and my bags were presented at the 101-stand. See your photo!
@ Camilla: fammi sapere, penso di avere un posto in piu' nella casa nuova! 😉
@ la Regina + Katia: cosa vi devo dire, a me i centrini piacciono!!
@ Ingrid: thank you dear! it was really nice, maybe it's just my little opinion, but I think that this year was much better than last year..more inspirations..or maybe I was just in the "right mood"! 😉
Congratulations for the publications, I've seen the pictures on Flickr!
@ Stof Enzo: really? congratulations then! 😉
Il tuo blog è una favola! Brava davvero!!! Adoro questi ambienti e questo bagno è meraviglioso..ho appena rifatto il mio, con piastrelle personalizzate da un'azienda fiorentina, ceramica e complementi! lo adoro..mi servirebbe un po' del tuo gusto per completare l'opera 🙂 Baci, Serena