Last week I took a day off and I went to Den Bosch with my mom.
I like to spend some time with her alone when she visits me, it always happened in the past, but now that we live apart is more difficult. Den Bosch is a lovely city, it’s only 30 minutes drive from Eindhoven and I love the shops and the atmosphere.
After a lovely lunch we visited Søstrene Grenes, a beautiful shop that my friend Lonneke showed me few months ago in Amsterdam. Founded in the ’70s in Denmark by two sisters, offers a great selections of design products for a very affordable prices. This time I didn’t bought so much, just a couple of notebooks for Alberto, a set of cutting boards and plastic baskets.
And the next day we went to another danish shop, Flying Tiger {this time in Eindhoven} just because is too fun and we couldn’t resist! Here I bought lots of new notebooks for me, funny socks and a new phone case. This store is now open in Eindhoven for a couple of years I think and everytime I go to the city center I check the new products.
I love the concept behind these two stores, the range of products and the quality.
Surely, these danish people knows very well how to make me happy!

Some gorgeous purchases! Is Flying Tiger the same as Tiger? Wonder why the change…
Ah I love the cup holder and notebooks! So so lovely