One thing is sure: I’m not that kind of mom that waits until a week before the due date to decorate and prepare the house for the baby!
And I don’t think the reason is that I’m impatient to become a mom {I mean, I am, but I can wait two more months!!}’s simply me, I like to be organized and plan my moves. I think this is my strongest quality as a stylist and my “m.o.” *: search, collect, think, think again and act. This is why I started thinking how to make some space in the living room for the baby crib {and next for the baby box}..and while I was there, I changed a bit the color palette, adding a bit of pink-peach. I moved the bench under the window, I added a nice tablecloth to the table, moved again the yarn cabinet and used the stools for the tv and the other decorations. The crib fits perfectly between the door and the couch and it’s so pretty, don’t you think? The cover has been made by my beloved grandma, the play cushion is from Tas-ka, the blanket and the little Penny Lane have been made by me using my own yarn.
Next step: change the sofa cover {I’d like the dark grey version} and add some decorations on the wall close to the crib.
Antonella Piemonte dice
Che fortunato l'angioletto che sta per arrivare! ^_^
Nene dice
Bello bello bello!!! …questo bimbo anzichè giocare con i sonaglini giocherà con le mazzette colore! 😉
Lallabel dice
Bravo piccoletto che fa lavorare tanto (e bene) la mamma! ^_^
Barbara Ismailovic dice
really lovely place, with excellent color palette, just the way I like it.
I specially love those chairs where screen is. Im never satisfy of that little piece of furniture where my tv is on, and this one is really nice idea.
emanuela bonini dice
Anche questa nuova disposizione mi piace tanto e…complimenti anche alla nonna 🙂
Un bacio!
Monila Hand Made dice
Che incanto…brava mamma!
Ilaria Chiaratti Bonomi dice
Antonella, mi sa che hai ragione!!
Ilaria Chiaratti Bonomi dice
Nene, non vedo l'ora!! 😉
grazie mille!
Ilaria Chiaratti Bonomi dice
Hi hi, per adesso è uno spasso occuparsi di queste cose!
Ilaria Chiaratti Bonomi dice
Thank you Barbara! I don't like the "normal" tv cabinets..they look all the same!
Ilaria Chiaratti Bonomi dice
Grazie mille Emanuela!! La nonna {futura bis} è un portento!
Ilaria Chiaratti Bonomi dice
Grazie cara!! Poi mi dovrò impegnare per sfornare dei dolci come i tuoi..quella è la vera sfida per me 😉
Agata D dice
It all looks so pretty together! Love the dotted tablecloth 🙂 Baci xo
Monila Hand Made dice
Sicuramente la nonna avrà ricette dolci da passarti 😉
SamanthaBitter dice
I absolutely adore the wicker bassinet, where did you get it?
Macarena dice
Can I ask you where is your tablecloth from? I love it!
Ilaria Chiaratti Bonomi dice
Thank you! It's vintage, from a flea market 😉
Ilaria Chiaratti Bonomi dice
Thanks! It's from kitsch kitchen, they also sell on line 😉
Macarena dice
Thank you! 🙂
Olivia Marmolejo dice
Hi! Where is that bassinet from? I'm obsessed!!!
Ilaria Chiaratti Bonomi dice
It's vintage, a lucky flea market find!
denise smith dice
Do you have a pattern for the crocheted blanket?
Ilaria Chiaratti Bonomi dice
The pattern for the single pieces is from Ingrid, Wood&wool stool, then I assemble them myself.
Charles Sanson dice
Where did you get the bassinet cover from? I love it
Charles Sanson dice
Where is your Bassinet Cover from? I love it.
Ilaria Chiaratti Bonomi dice
Hi! It's on the text, "has been made by my beloved grandma" 😉
She used an Ikea fabric.