Happy new week!!
If you followed me on twitter and instagram you already know what happened saturday, during the Meet the blogger 2012.
It was a lovely day, inspiring speakers and amazing location {the Conservatorium Hotel}.
Here a recap, with more pictures and links!
Buon nuova settimana!
Se mi seguite su twitter e instagram sapete già cosa è successo sabato, durante il Meet the blogger 2012.
È stata davvero una bella giornata, relatori interessanti e di super ispirazione e posizione incantevole {Conservatorium Hotel}. Ecco un riepilogo, con più immagini e link!

To see myself as assistant of Yvonne, made me smile 🙂 Nice pictures, and hope to see you again, xx Petra
Petra, you are the best assistant ever!
Hope to see you again too 😉
Hi Ilaria, you had a great vantage point for pictures… mine sucked so I didn't even bother posting pics haha. It was too bad we didn't get to meet! It would have been nice to meet another BYW blogger 🙂
Chissà quanti nuovi blog hai conosciuto, e ovviamente blogger…in Itaia non si fanno questi incontri?
bello bello bello…e molto stimolante! Mi sono incantata a scorgere il workshop di Yvonne….deve essere stata proprio una bella esperienza!
Ah ah, thank you Deepa!! It would be nice, we are thinking to organize a meet up soon!
we stay in touch 😉
Tanti, talmente tanti che non ho visto alcune persone che volevo conoscere!
In Italia non si fanno, non ancora almeno..ci stiamo lavorando 😉
Bellissima!! Dai Vale, l'anno prossimo vieni anche tu 😉
baci baci
ps. bellissimo l'ultimo post
Chissa' che interessante!
Thanks for your blog and great photos, please do keep in touch!
Moltissimo! E poi e' una buona occasione per promuovere il proprio lavoro 😉
Thank you Matt, we keep in touch!
Wonderful thanks for sharing your photographs.
Hotel Construction.
Ciao Ilaria. I'm from BYW and sad I couldn't make it to MTB.. but went to The Hive in Berlin in May. Very nice recap. Thank you… I love the typeface you used.
Hope to see toy in class:)
Thanks, you're welcome!
Hi Tina,
it was the opposite for me..I couldn't make it for the Hive in Berlin, I was too busy at the time.
But there is a chance to have another MTB in Stockholm, maybe we'll see you there 😉
lovely report Did you see yourself in the movie as well 😉
For your question about the locker… I used normal paint on water base for wood and metal.
PS Hope I was not to rude about your question on the bloggers event X
Thanks, good tip!
No no, don't worry about it! I just thought that was a nice idea show your home and at the same time promote your blog/work also to the italian readers 😉