Once again (1. and 2.) I’m a giveaway winner!
To be honest I’ve never been lucky, but apparently everything changed when I moved to the Netherland…my new Country loves me!
One of my favorite page for the giveaways is for sure the Vosges Paris Concept Page, created from the talented Desiree {the mind behind the lovely blog Vosgesparis}.
Anyway, few weeks ago I was reading the blog and I immediately fall in love for this snake wardrobe, designed by Maike Timmermann and produced by the dutch company Orphan Socks.
I’ve entered the giveaway by commenting the post and..I won! And now the snake wardrobe is here, ready for the new house.
Thank you so much to Desiree and Eva {from Orphan Socks} for the opportunity.
Grazie infinite a Desiree ed Eva {di Orphan Socks} per l’opportunità.

Guarda l'etichetta: "Design fürs Heim".
Sounds really nice in german.
I wish, that would have been my idea!
Liebe Grüße aus Berlin (Cari saluti da Berlino)
Anne (I really like all of your ideas!)
Fortunella!! 🙂
Magari la sorte vuole farti capire che la tua scelta è stata giusta! Ma vivi da molto in Olanda? E soprattutto… hai imparato l'olandese?? (Sai com'è… son bambina curiosa!!)
Thank you dear Anne! It's a lovely idea indeed 😉
Cari saluti a te
Puo' darsi, chi lo sa! Ci vivo da quasi 3 anni e l'olandese..diciamo che inizio a capire qualcosa 😉
Ciao dear Ilaria!
Many, many thanks…bedankt through you! I am very proud for those nice words and compliments! I hope you are lucky with little snake!!!!
Hope to hear more in the future from you!
Have a nice and relaxed weekend!
Thank you so much dear Maike for your comment!
I think that you really deserve these words, the snake it's genial and unique 😉
This is what I call "talent".
Have a lovely weekend,
Luck is definitely on your side! Congratulations and have a lovely weekend!
Oh yes, you're right! 😉
Have a lovely weekend too!