Happy Monday!
Finally here in Eindhoven the winter is arrived..it’s snowing! And what’s better to start a new crochet project? Since a friend of mine asked me how to do the ripple pattern, I’ve decided to make a simple tutorial to help her.
I hope that you like it and for any questions, please add a comment below!
Buon lunedì!
Finalmente qui a Eindhoven l’inverno è arrivato..proprio in questo momento sta nevicando! E quale occasione migliore per iniziare un nuovo progetto all’uncinetto? Siccome una mia amica mi ha chiesto come fare il pattern a onde (o zig zag che dir si voglia), ho deciso di fare un semplice tutorial per aiutarla.
Spero che sia sufficientemente chiaro, ma per qualsiasi domanda vi invito ad aggiungere un commento qui sotto!
Atelier Buffo dice
Alma dice
Thanks for the easy tutorial! This is great! I was looking for a pattern for a baby blanket. Sweet! By the way, loving the new banner on your site too.
Kendra dice
Ottima idea, mi ricorderò del tuo tutorial se mai dovessi cimentarmi…grazie Ila! 🙂
Anonymous dice
grazie per la scritta inglese-italiano cosi si impara qualcosa in più !!! Barbara D'Amico !! <3
Sara dice
Gracias Ilaria. Está muy claro el tutorial. Voy a intentarlo yo también.
Un saludo desde las islas Canarias
Alessandra dice
grande, Ilaria! tutarial da provare al più presto!
wood & wool stool dice
It's a lovely pattern isn't it! you always want to make another wave (just one, aha)…
Ilaria Chiaratti dice
Prego! 😉
Ilaria Chiaratti dice
Thank YOU Alma, you're welcome!
Ilaria Chiaratti dice
Davvero facile e..veloce! 😉
Ilaria Chiaratti dice
Io con quelli in inglese/americano faccio un po' fatica, percio' li propongo anche in italiano!
Ilaria Chiaratti dice
Thank you Sara, let me know! 😉
Ilaria Chiaratti dice
Facilissimo e veloce, molto nel mio stile direi!! E il risultato e' davvero carino!
Ilaria Chiaratti dice
Oh yes, it's true!! And it's so simple 😉
Patricia dice
Hello Ilaria, do you use uk or usa terminology for crochet?
In Australia (UK same)our treble – is the same as dc in USA
our dc – is the same as sc in USA
The colours of your ripple are lovely.
Looks like it done in our dc (sc USA)
Did you crochet it in treble (Aus, UK) or dc (USA)
Hope I haven't confused you 🙂
Ilaria Chiaratti dice
Hi Patricia,
for dc. I mean this one:
I think it's the UK terminology, but I'm not sure 😉
Normally, I translate them to italian.
Alessandra dice
sto per iniziare una copertina a zigzag per Alessandro, che nascerà il 31 maggio 🙂
emily dice
How does one calculate how many chains to start with? What is the multiple needed for the pattern repeat?
Thank you!
Ilaria Chiaratti dice
Emily, to be honest I don't know.. Normally I made a longer fundation chain and at the end I cut the extra that I don't need..
Sophie Roger dice
thanks for the tutorial. I have one question, maybe totally stupid : How do you make multiple rows? At the end of the row, I chained 2, turn and dc but doesn't work. So, I ch 1, sc all stitches around, ch 2 and followed the pattern, but still not convince.
Could you help, please?
Thanks a lot,
Ilaria Chiaratti dice
Sophie, follow these instructions:
ROW 1:
Work 3ch (count as 1tr), 4 tr, 2ch and starting from the last tr, 5 tr. Skip 1ch and *5 tr, 2ch, – starting from the last tr- 5 tr, skip 1 ch* and repeat until the end.
ROW 2:
Work 3ch (count as 1tr), 4 tr, 2ch and in the same space 5tr. Enter in between the 1st and the 2nd stitches below *5 tr, 2ch, – in the same space – 5 tr, skip 1 ch* and repeat until the end.
..and go on
Sarah dice
Hello, I was wondering how many chains you originally make on the starting row? – Sarah
Ilaria Chiaratti Bonomi dice
Sarah, the answer is few comments before! 😉
"Emily, to be honest I don't know.. Normally I made a longer fundation chain and at the end I cut the extra that I don't need.."..simple and practical!