Today I’ve started again my interior styling school. I’m very excited to start another year but as usual at the end of the day I’m too tired to write a decent post, so..enjoy the thursday pics! The my own way!
Oggi ho ricominciato la mia scuola di interior styling. Sono super contenta di iniziare un altro anno, ma come al solito alla fine della giornata sono troppo stanca per scrivere un post decente, perciò..beccatevi le foto del giovedi! La colazione..a modo mio!

Un ottimo inizio …dolcezza 😉 !
Niente…più vedo quel vassoio Ikea e più lo voglio! 😉
such gorgeous photos!! I had a dream last night that I purchased lots and lots of fabric in the same pattern of the gift wrap you sent me the mug in ^_^ I love that pattern. A strange dream :p
Wauw I love the pictures! Where did you buy the "Story" mug? Greetings Femke
That looks sooo delicious and I like your mug. I sort of collect mugs for years, now and this one looks very good.
Have a nice day!
Thank you so much all of you!
@ Kendra: anch'io volli, quindi comprai!! 😉
@ Claire: too funny!! but it's sounds like a nightmare!
@ Femke: thank you! I've bought here:
hi ilaria, i love this mix of patterns and colors and happy flowery decoration! your crochet is amazing, i'm inspired!