in Amsterdam, IDA LifeStyle, magazine, meet the blogger, this week on my coffee table, vtwonen on
Ilaria Chiaratti is the creative director and the Eindhoven-based founder and editor of IDA interior lifestyle, a blog about interior design and lifestyle.
Nordic style with an italian twist!
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What a lovely collection of white ceramics on your coffee table! Did you make the doilies?
@ Camilla: ♥
@ Jennifer: thank you!! no, I didn't, my grandma did! I'm more a "cushions-maker"!! 😉
Your cushions are lovely too 🙂
Bello!! Io sto ancora sognando un pavimento decente…magari fosse almeno vicino al bianco!!
Non ti nascondo la mia invidia per "Meet the Blogger". Aspetto con piacere il tuo reportage anche se sarò in vacanza e lo leggerò tardi! Have a super nice week end!!