One ray of light after weeks, my new camera and some random pictures of my livingroom..
Un raggio di luce dopo settimane, la mia nuova macchina fotografica e alcune immagini casuali del mio soggiorno..

My dear neighbor Natallia, borrowed me her iPad..yesterday evening I’ve read Martha..beautiful magazine! I can’t understand why in Eindhoven I can’t find a copy of this magazine…
La mia cara vicina di casa Natallia mi ha prestato il suo iPad..ieri sera ho letto Martha.. bellissimo giornale! Non riesco a capire perché a Eindhoven non riesco a trovare una copia di questa rivista..

It's all again so inspiring. Colours, furniture, your crochet work. I'm really glad I found your blog.
Have a nice week.
That cupboard rocks! You have a lovely home, so nice to finally meet up!
@ HRANDICA: thank you my dear!! Have a nice week too!
@ Planet Fur: oh thank you! I like it too! Can't wait to meet you! 😉
I know Schiphol Airport sells a lot of international magazines.
For Dutch people it is possible to subscribe to the magazine I see on the internet:
And also at you can order almost every magazine :). Prices aren't too bad either..
Lovely colours, love your home !!
Figurati io che lo cerco nella provincia italiana…mission impossible!
oh i can't look at that huge window you have… it's amazing!!! i would love one of those here! and those plants by the window… so cute!!! 🙂 have a great day friend! twiggs
@ Simone: friday I'm on Eindhoven airport..let's see!
@ Carola: thank you so much! 😉
@ Aina: immagino..che peccato pero'..
@ Twiggs: oh, I love that window! the first time that I've saw this apartment, one year ago, I've immediately thought: "yes, this is home!"
adooooro il tuo soggiorno! io sto aggiustando casa mia, ma ancora manca qualche pezzo forte! ti seguo ovviamente, il blog mi ha catturato!