Flickr group e per condividere le foto del mio nuovo appartamento qui a Eindhoven.
in Inspiration on
Flickr group e per condividere le foto del mio nuovo appartamento qui a Eindhoven.
Ilaria Chiaratti is the creative director and the Eindhoven-based founder and editor of IDA interior lifestyle, a blog about interior design and lifestyle.
Nordic style with an italian twist!
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Hello Ilaria : )
I came to wish you all the best of luck with your new blog! I find it to be a very nice idea and trully like the concept of the flickr group you've created.
I very much like the focus on lifestyle, which gives the opportunity to expand a little bit further than just beautiful surroundings and interiors and give us the chance to examine the role of human beings in this whole ascpect.
Thank you very much! I'm very happy about this nice comment!
I think that you have understood perfectly my concept 🙂
Your blog is beautiful.